Bethany Kehdy

A Champion of Middle Eastern Food & Recipes

The Jewelled Kitchen Virtual Cookbook Launch!

And so after 2 years of burns, cuts and tears, The Jewelled Kitchen cookbook is officially out today and in bookstores across Europe and Australia, and the Middle East in a week's time (US launch is October 1st). My fellow blogging friends and I are celebrating by taking turns and posting a recipe a day on our respective blogs over the next couple of weeks. Some of us are even in for a reunion over the weekend at the Food Blogger Connect...

Chicken, Butternut Squash & Freekeh Stew

Photography by Sarka Babicka As ever, it's been a busy few months. I thought things might slow down a tad after #FBC12, finally allowing me some time to catch up but alas, it has not been the case. I'm always happier when busy though, so not complaining.  I've managed to swing a long weekend in Istanbul this coming weekend. If you happen to have any foodie suggestions, then please do send them my way. In the last post on DKS I introduced the...

Vegetarian Stuffed Bell Peppers

I made this dish a few months ago, when we were following a detox diet and decided to follow a vegetarian diet for a month. I have a fetish for veggies, and therefore didn't really mind the detox. Meanwhile my husband, suffered the first couple of days, constantly complaining he was hungry! But following dishes like this he began to embrace going veggie. So, I made this several times because it is very filling and the explosion of...

Tropical Redneck (Beer Butt Chicken)

I know, I know... the name's not very appealing! But (no pun intended), I can guarantee that tasting a beer butt chicken for the first time will be one of those unforgettable culinary moments. I learned about Beer Butt Chicken (also called beer can chicken, chicken on the throne) in Houston, Texas where I lived for a short period of time. The name says it all; a can of beer up the chicken's cavity! It is not entirely known how the...

Mad About Chickpeas- Falafel

Mad About Chickpeas- Falafel   Author: Bethany Prep time: 30 mins Cook time: 10 mins Total time: 40 mins Serves: 20-24 It’s commonly believed that falafel (known as taamiya in Egypt) originated millennia ago in Egypt, where they were prepared using a mixture of broad beans and chickpeas. I prefer to stick to the Lebanese version which uses chickpeas only, but don’t be tempted to the tinned variety, as they will fall apart. A versatile...

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