"Can't wait to get organized" seems to have been my favourite moan phrase over the last two years. Over the last few weeks, and with the last of The Jewelled Kitchen book edits officially out of the way, I've finally found some down time to bring organization back into my life. Besides clearing up my desktop, folders, emails, and much more, I have also begun thinking about a new design/layout/feel for the blog, and look forward to...
Candied Pumpkin Jam and Labneh Cheesecake Author: Bethany Prep time: 1 hour 15 mins Cook time: 40 mins Total time: 1 hour 55 mins Serves: 6 This recipe is inspired by three different dishes: the Turkish dish kabak tatlisi, the cheesecake and, of course, Thanksgiving pumpkin pie. I do prefer this to the traditional pumpkin pie, as it’s far less sickly sweet. The pumpkin really gets to shine and it also melds well with the zesty labneh...
There's something dreamy about courgette blossoms. They are incredibly delicate and I love their vibrant green and yellow tones. I was first introduced to the idea of eating a courgette flower, in my early teens, nowhere else but in Provence by my, then, French step-mother. She didn't do much to them but drop them in a light batter before frying them. They were simple but so wonderfully fulfilling. Having grown up, for part of my childhood on a...
Hello folks! This post is for all my lovely American friends who are getting ready for the Super Bowl on Sunday. My sister, Adla, is over on this side visiting and she's rooting for the Packers, which naturally means I am too, only because she so nicely asked me to. Either way here are some Lebanese recipes that will make the perfect Super Bowl spread. There are so many dips to choose from; of course, everyone is familiar with the traditional...