Photography by Sarka Babicka Who doesn’t love roasties? I wrote a post about these a few years back, but thought I’d revisit them as my recipe writing skills have since improved tremendously (thankfully!) You can season them to your heart’s desire and here I’ve chosen to go with sumac; if you like, you can also throw in a few smashed, unpeeled garlic cloves. If you’ve got large appetites, double up the recipe. Sumac...
Once more, I will express my undying love for chickpeas: I Am M.A.D About Chickpeas! After all, how can one not succumb to such a delectable and pulsing love affair! The chickpea, belonging to the protein food group, is such a versatile and wholesome leguminous pulse. You can make anything out of it; falafel, all kinds of hummus dips, veggie burgers, bread, and it's also a perfect addition to stews, curries, salads... I could go on and on. And,...
Roasties are what the English call roast potatoes. I had never heard of them till my early 20's when I learned the following technique from my father in-law. He's a fantastic cook. When Jim served these up, I went completely bonkers with delight or as he simply calls it-crazy Arab. The secrets to getting roasties perfectly crisp are: A) Roughen up the edges by shaking them well. B) Let them dry out a bit (which makes them great for...
Alright! So I'm doing a terrible job at getting these posts up before the 31st as I was intending on doing! Many welcomed and un-welcomed factors have been standing in my way; my brother's arrival, new internet router's inability to arrive on time, some wicked sales I can't get my eyes hands off, and now I'm working on a quick last minute NY eve menu... So I'll get the rest of the recipes up as soon as humanly possible! I've been wanting to try...