Candied Pumpkin Jam and Labneh Cheesecake Author: Bethany Prep time: 1 hour 15 mins Cook time: 40 mins Total time: 1 hour 55 mins Serves: 6 This recipe is inspired by three different dishes: the Turkish dish kabak tatlisi, the cheesecake and, of course, Thanksgiving pumpkin pie. I do prefer this to the traditional pumpkin pie, as it’s far less sickly sweet. The pumpkin really gets to shine and it also melds well with the zesty labneh...
Star Anise Yogurt Mousse with Fig Compote Author: Bethany Prep time: 4 hours 20 mins Cook time: 20 mins Total time: 4 hours 40 mins Serves: 6 I'm gonna keep this post short and sweet (pun not altogether intended). I picked up the combination of flavors for this recipe early on from my grandmother. She loved infusing her fig jam with aniseed or "yansoun" as it's called in Arabic. Here, I chose to infuse the yogurt mousse rather than the fig jam...
There are many ways to make a chicken liver parfait, the following recipe is my preferred method. It's easy, uses only a few ingredients, is fairly quick to knock up and yields silky smooth results. So, what is the difference between a chicken liver pate and a chicken liver parfait? A chicken liver pate becomes a chicken liver parfait (French for perfect) when the cooked liver mixture is pushed through a sieve to remove any sinewy bits,...
Before I begin rambling on about bloggetitis, I would like to say that this post is dedicated to Halloween, Thanksgiving... And, a certain man in my life. This cake and post is dedicated to my brother Eli, because he's just turned the wonderful age of 19! There he is in the below picture, the youngest one, chewing grass at such a tender age. (From left; moi, Eli, Joslin, & Addie in Baskinta, Lebanon. Our parents had a weird thing for...
My friend Sacha came over the other day, to show me how to make this cake. It's one of her family favourites and was developed by her au pair, Maria. I've made it twice since Thursday and plan on making it again for my visitors this week-end! Revised 08/09: " keep making this, everyone is swearing the best summer cake they have ever had!" In other words, It's rocking my world. It's a fun, zesty, light and fluffy summer cake that uses no...
Alright! So I'm doing a terrible job at getting these posts up before the 31st as I was intending on doing! Many welcomed and un-welcomed factors have been standing in my way; my brother's arrival, new internet router's inability to arrive on time, some wicked sales I can't get my eyes hands off, and now I'm working on a quick last minute NY eve menu... So I'll get the rest of the recipes up as soon as humanly possible! I've been wanting to try...