Cider Can Turkey with Nutty Couscous Author: Bethany Prep time: 20 mins Cook time: 2 hours 30 mins Total time: 2 hours 50 mins Serves: 6 It’s always best to bring a turkey to room temperature for at least an hour before cooking it, as this allows it to cook evenly. In addition, follow Harold McGee’s advice and apply an icepack to the breast during the last 30 minutes of this defrosting period, as this will slow down the...
Couscous is probably one of the easiest, simplest and quickest dishes to put together. Done right and it can be the most satisfying. That's why I love it. It's also a great blank canvas; you can really get creative and add whatever ingredients you want, resulting in your own personal masterpiece of flavors. That's why it just seems ludicrous to include a recipe for couscous. As long as you know how to cook (I wouldn't even call it...
Kebbeh, the national dish of Lebanon, is an emulsification of the freshest minced lamb and burghul with essential 7-spices. In the old days, Lebanese women would pound the meat and the burghul in a mortar and pestle then knead in the spices, a process which can be excruciatingly exhausting. Oh hail, thou food processor! Kebbeh can be eaten raw (kebbeh naye) which is similar to steak tartare and is one of the popular methods of enjoying...