Have some leftover tabbouleh to use up? I've got just the recipe for you! Head on over to Design Sponge's In The Kitchen With for the recipe and story behind its inspiration.
I have a confession to make... I have no exact measurements for this recipe. I always write down my recipe measurements on a notepad as I go about in the kitchen. This system has worked a charm and I've never had a problem with loosing the notepad or forgetting it somewhere...Till now! I left Brighton and the notepad behind. When I arrived in Rome and realized this a few hours later I went bonkers. "NO! I don't have the measurements for my next...
Let me apologies for the radio silence over the last week or so. I've been so busy with different things from dealing with projects regarding this blog, FBC and then a last minute trip to Dubai to help with preparations for my cousin's upcoming wedding in Rome. February is going to be a very crazy month. But, I'm not complaining...I'd much prefer to be busy! Valentine's Day is a couple of weeks away and I thought I'd offer you a three-course,...
I made this dish a few months ago, when we were following a detox diet and decided to follow a vegetarian diet for a month. I have a fetish for veggies, and therefore didn't really mind the detox. Meanwhile my husband, suffered the first couple of days, constantly complaining he was hungry! But following dishes like this he began to embrace going veggie. So, I made this several times because it is very filling and the explosion of...
My Lebanese grandmother would often make something very similar to this ratatouille which we knew in Arabic as mtab'a. About age 15, I finally had a "French" ratatouille in Provence, made by my French step-mom's father. I always loved my grandmother's mtab'a and so embraced ratatouille immediately. It's very satisfying served as a main meal with some rustic bread (Pain de Campagne), or goes well as an accompaniment to fish, meat or rice....